Petition to Stop the Proposed Quarry

Premier Ford, keep your Promise to Milton


WHEREAS everyone in Ontario deserves clean drinking water, clean air to breathe and a safe community to live in;

WHEREAS the ongoing pursuit to obtain a licence for the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry, if granted, puts at risk Campbellville and Milton’s water and will negatively impact the community’s air quality and safety; 

WHEREAS pedestrians, school children, cyclists, and local commuters and those on the 401 will be endangered by the 60,000 gravel truck trips projected annually and the blasting within 100 meters of the 401;

WHEREAS the Town of Milton and the Region have all confirmed by resolution that they are opposed to the proposed Quarry; 

WHEREAS in 2020 Premier Ford at a public meeting in Milton said he would make sure the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry doesn’t happen, which was confirmed on March 27th , 2024 by his PC candidate for Milton, Zeeshan Hamid, at a community meeting;

WHEREAS it is a complete waste of taxpayers time and money to continue with a proponent driven Environmental Assessment of the proposed Quarry, which the community and all levels of government are opposed to;  

WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to stop wasting taxpayers money; to terminate the Environmental Assessment; to deny a licence to extract aggregate or to operate an asphalt/concrete reprocessing facility at the Reid Quarry in Campbellville; and to permanently protect the subject lands by making it conservation lands for enjoyment by all residents of Ontario.

Who's signing

Lynn Bennett
Janet Herman
Donna McCaw
Mary Marcon
Carolyn Heath
John W. & M Wildon Wilson
Cathy Cripps
Robert Bouskill
Glenn Root
Kate Carveth
Andrea Heaney
Marie Weiss
Rosalyn Gluck
Debbie Cormier
John Beaudette
Will Moffat
Cecilia M Moffat
Susan Lloyd- Swail
Ted Vietri
David Gunderson
Robert Barkley
hans gabriel
Glenda Jones
kevin koshurba
Ronald Hart
Rose Anna Newlove
Lisa Henderson
Evelyn Byrne
wendy leigh-bell
Sharon Barkley
368 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 268 reactions

  • Lynn Bennett
    signed 2024-04-24 10:09:13 -0400
  • Janet Herman
    signed 2024-04-24 10:05:44 -0400
  • Donna McCaw
    signed 2024-04-24 09:29:32 -0400
  • Mary Marcon
    signed 2024-04-24 09:27:06 -0400
  • Carolyn Heath
    signed 2024-04-24 09:06:09 -0400
  • John W. & M Wildon Wilson
    signed 2024-04-24 09:05:10 -0400
  • Cathy Cripps
    signed 2024-04-24 09:05:10 -0400
  • Robert Bouskill
    signed 2024-04-24 09:02:12 -0400
  • Glenn Root
    signed 2024-04-24 07:54:14 -0400
  • Kate Carveth
    signed 2024-04-23 20:49:41 -0400
  • Andrea Heaney
    signed 2024-04-23 20:00:52 -0400
  • Marie Weiss
    signed 2024-04-23 19:16:03 -0400
  • Rosalyn Gluck
    signed 2024-04-23 14:15:03 -0400
  • Debbie Cormier
    signed 2024-04-23 13:17:49 -0400
    Why does the government allow such travesties?
  • John Beaudette
    signed 2024-04-23 12:31:15 -0400
  • Will Moffat
    signed 2024-04-23 11:31:32 -0400
  • Cecilia M Moffat
    signed 2024-04-23 11:08:47 -0400
  • Susan Lloyd- Swail
    signed 2024-04-22 19:55:34 -0400
  • Ted Vietri
    signed 2024-04-22 17:10:28 -0400
  • David Gunderson
    signed 2024-04-22 10:21:20 -0400
  • Robert Barkley
    signed via 2024-04-22 09:04:54 -0400
  • hans gabriel
    signed 2024-04-21 23:15:59 -0400
  • Glenda Jones
    signed via 2024-04-21 22:15:25 -0400
  • kevin koshurba
    signed 2024-04-21 19:35:40 -0400
  • Ronald Hart
    signed 2024-04-21 17:33:06 -0400
  • Rose Anna Newlove
    signed 2024-04-21 17:27:19 -0400
  • Lisa Henderson
    signed 2024-04-21 16:46:11 -0400
  • Evelyn Byrne
    signed 2024-04-21 14:05:27 -0400
  • wendy leigh-bell
    signed 2024-04-21 13:59:46 -0400
  • Sharon Barkley
    signed 2024-04-21 13:51:37 -0400