Petition to Stop the Proposed Quarry

Premier Ford, keep your Promise to Milton


WHEREAS everyone in Ontario deserves clean drinking water, clean air to breathe and a safe community to live in;

WHEREAS the ongoing pursuit to obtain a licence for the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry, if granted, puts at risk Campbellville and Milton’s water and will negatively impact the community’s air quality and safety; 

WHEREAS pedestrians, school children, cyclists, and local commuters and those on the 401 will be endangered by the 60,000 gravel truck trips projected annually and the blasting within 100 meters of the 401;

WHEREAS the Town of Milton and the Region have all confirmed by resolution that they are opposed to the proposed Quarry; 

WHEREAS in 2020 Premier Ford at a public meeting in Milton said he would make sure the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry doesn’t happen, which was confirmed on March 27th , 2024 by his PC candidate for Milton, Zeeshan Hamid, at a community meeting;

WHEREAS it is a complete waste of taxpayers time and money to continue with a proponent driven Environmental Assessment of the proposed Quarry, which the community and all levels of government are opposed to;  

WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to stop wasting taxpayers money; to terminate the Environmental Assessment; to deny a licence to extract aggregate or to operate an asphalt/concrete reprocessing facility at the Reid Quarry in Campbellville; and to permanently protect the subject lands by making it conservation lands for enjoyment by all residents of Ontario.

Who's signing

Brian Spitei
Wendy Rhodes
Lorna and Richard Jones
Karen Lauriston
David Saumier
Lino Perrotta
Robert Beyette
Donna Bartliff
Marianne Strobele
Petra A Koeth
Jessica O'Connell
Ted Rabicki
Richard Brown
R Devries
Kathy Karn
Chad Dailey
Joan Kass
Fiona Fisher
Catherine Reed
Peter Choma
Kristi Lazarus
Dean Bast
Galen Naidoo Harris
Joyce Barclay
Gavin Bauer
Catherine Bartlett
Quentin Johnson
Robert Niven
Kelly Dykstra
Stephane Duclos
368 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 268 reactions

  • Brian Spitei
    signed 2024-04-19 15:05:42 -0400
    Of greatest concern to me is the dangerous on ramp for the 401 that these heavily laden trucks will be using. Lots of accidents occur there now. There will be more, if this site is approved.
  • Wendy Rhodes
    signed 2024-04-19 15:04:19 -0400
    I do hope you and Premier Ford keep your promise to stop the quarry . We will step up and support u in your political endeavors.
  • Lorna and Richard Jones
    signed 2024-04-19 14:53:21 -0400
  • Karen Lauriston
    signed 2024-04-19 14:51:57 -0400
  • David Saumier
    signed 2024-04-19 14:46:21 -0400
    Keep your promise!!!
  • Lino Perrotta
    signed 2024-04-19 14:38:07 -0400
  • Robert Beyette
    signed 2024-04-19 14:36:36 -0400
  • Donna Bartliff
    signed 2024-04-19 14:36:18 -0400
  • Marianne Strobele
    signed 2024-04-19 13:06:34 -0400
  • Petra A Koeth
    signed 2024-04-19 11:57:32 -0400
    Please put this out there of this proposed Quarry licence by Reid Road Reservior Quarry. People need to know of the risk to the Milton and Campbellville wter.
  • Jessica O'Connell
    signed 2024-04-19 11:20:26 -0400
  • Ted Rabicki
    signed 2024-04-19 10:13:44 -0400
  • Richard Brown
    signed 2024-04-19 08:20:38 -0400
  • R Devries
    signed 2024-04-19 07:58:09 -0400
  • Kathy Karn
    signed 2024-04-18 20:42:02 -0400
  • Chad Dailey
    signed 2024-04-18 20:17:41 -0400
  • Joan Kass
    signed 2024-04-18 19:18:40 -0400
  • Fiona Fisher
    signed 2024-04-18 18:16:33 -0400
  • Catherine Reed
    signed 2024-04-18 17:20:19 -0400
  • Peter Choma
    signed 2024-04-18 16:36:14 -0400
  • Kristi Lazarus
    signed 2024-04-18 16:27:10 -0400
  • Dean Bast
    signed 2024-04-18 16:22:02 -0400
  • Galen Naidoo Harris
    signed 2024-04-18 15:46:01 -0400
  • Joyce Barclay
    signed 2024-04-18 14:23:08 -0400
    We vacation in Campbellville for its natural beauty.
  • Gavin Bauer
    signed 2024-04-18 13:10:45 -0400
  • Catherine Bartlett
    signed 2024-04-18 12:51:44 -0400
  • Quentin Johnson
    signed 2024-04-18 11:51:15 -0400
  • Robert Niven
    signed 2024-04-18 10:16:21 -0400
  • Kelly Dykstra
    signed 2024-04-18 10:07:19 -0400
  • Stephane Duclos
    signed 2024-04-18 10:06:23 -0400