‘Incredibly important’: Here are 5 things to know about the proposed Milton quarry public meeting
Toxic pollutants among top concerns
January 14, 2020 - InsideHalton.com by Bambang Sadewo

The public meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 22, at Milton Sports Centre. - ACTION Milton
The proposed Reid Sideroad quarry in Campbellville and the potential health risks that it poses still looms over Milton. ACTION Milton, an organization that has been spearheading efforts to stop the proposal, invites residents to come to the latest public information meeting.
Here are five things to know about the meeting and the quarry application:
1. The public meeting is slated for Wednesday, Jan 22., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Milton Sports Centre (in the banquet room), 605 Santa Maria Blvd.
2. “This meeting is incredibly important to our urban community. Although the proposed site is rural, urban residents may not fully appreciate the risk this quarry and its related operations pose to the water and air quality for Milton neighbourhoods,” wrote George Minakakis, chair of ACTION Milton, in a release.
3. Residents can ask questions, share concerns and learn more about the quarry operation and asphalt recycling plant that has been proposed by James Dick Construction Ltd. - where the company plans to extract 990,000 tonnes of aggregate per year by underwater blasting.
4. Franco DiGiovanni, an air quality and public safety expert, will make a presentation on the potential adverse effects of the proposed quarry, including possible toxic dust and hazardous particles generated by such operation of aggregate mining, processing and recycling.
5. With full support from the Town and the Region, MPP Parm Gill has formally requested for an Environmental Assessment of the proposed quarry.
ACTION Milton Garage Sale / Auction
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Standing with community against quarry reopening -- Opinion
August 22nd, 2019 - Originally on InsideHalton.com by Parm Gill
Here’s a lot at what’s being done in opposition to project, writes Gill

Milton MPP Parm Gill - Tavis Nembhard
In my June 20 article, "Taking action against Reid Road Quarry reopening," I outlined my concerns about the Reid Road Quarry project — I stand with the community against this proposed quarry.
Today, I am proud to update you on some of the steps I have taken to stand up for our community.
Over the past several months, I have met with many concerned residents and the ACTION committee about this important issue. I share your concerns about the serious risks that the proposed quarry poses — including potential dangers to the quality of life, health, and general well-being of residents in our community. It could threaten our water, our environment, and presents potential physical hazards such as dust and flyrock.
I am working hard to protect the best interests of our community. This is why, on July 25, I wrote a letter to the minister of the environment, conservation and parks requesting an immediate Environmental Assessment of the proposed site. I outlined many of the concerns and highlighted the steadfast opposition there is against this project in our community.
In the letter, I also stated that, “I believe it is our government’s responsibility to address these concerns before a decision is made regarding this license application.”
You can read my letter to the minister on my website at www.parmgill.com.
If approved, an Environmental Assessment will require the applicant go through a process that prescribes a higher level of scrutiny. I applaud Milton town council for following my lead and echoing my call to the minister for an Environmental Assessment. I also thank the hundreds of constituents who have written to the minister’s office urging him to launch this assessment.
I remain committed to being a strong voice for our community. As the fight against the proposed quarry continues, I ask that you stay engaged, and contact me if I can be of any assistance for you.
Parm Gill is the MPP of Milton.
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Milton takes ‘important step’ in fight against proposed Campbellville quarry
Council members vote to support environmental assessment of site
Aug 13, 2019 - InsideHalton.com by Bambang Sadewo

Residents packed Milton council chamber on Monday night, Aug. 12 to voice their opposition of the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry in Campbellville. - Bambang Sadewo/Torstar
In a show of unity against the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry, Milton council members voted unanimously on Monday (Aug. 12) to support MPP Parm Gill’s request to the environment ministry for an immediate environmental assessment of the site.
Loud claps echoed through the chamber after all members stood up in favour of the motion, which was put forward by Coun. Kristina Tesser Derksen and seconded by Coun. Colin Best.
Derksen said the environmental assessment is “a very important step” to ensure that the application filed by James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) will go through a more thorough process to evaluate the project’s impacts on the environment — more so than what a regular review for the licence would entail.
“This is clearly an environmentally sensitive area,” said Derksen of the proposed location for a pit and quarry in Campbellville.
JDCL plans to extract 990,000 tonnes of aggregate per year by underwater blasting on the 72-acre site.
Among the concerns that residents have raised for the past year include the potential risks to the community’s drinking water source, air quality, heavy truck traffic on local roads, flying rock and more.
Best, who plans to put forth a similar motion at Halton Regional Council meeting next month, said the issue will not only affect Campbellville, but also other areas in Milton. The same point was made by Coun. Mike Cluett, who urged residents to voice their opposition.
The move to call for the minister of Environment, Conservation, and Parks to conduct an environmental assessment on the proposed site was first announced at a public meeting held by community organization ACTION Milton late last month, which was also attended by some local and regional councillors.
It was then that Mayor Gord Krantz suggested to make the town’s endorsement of the review request official.
The passed motion stated that the council and staff would continue to work with all levels of government to facilitate the environmental assessment. In addition, a copy of the resolution would be circulated to federal, provincial and regional authorities, as well as related agencies.
Support for ACTION overwhelming -- Letter to the Editor
August 16th, 2019 - Originally on InsideHalton.com by Cindy Lunau
Concerned rural residents meeting about the proposed quarry. - Cindy Lunau photo
An anniversary is usually something to be celebrated. August 2019 is an anniversary to be both lamented and celebrated.
Just a year ago, James Dick Construction Ltd. posted a sign announcing an application for a quarry on Reid Sideroad in Campbellville. It marked the first of what would become many public meetings with overflow crowds of concerned residents.
The result was the formation of ACTION — a community group committed to protecting the interests of Campbellville and the 25,000 residents and businesses in ‘older Milton’ who rely on the Kelso well field for their drinking water.
The response from residents and elected representatives has been overwhelming, and something to truly celebrate. More than 1,100 letters of concern from residents were filed with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Both Halton Region and the Town of Milton have formally filed their concerns. Residents have generously donated to help fund the necessary professional services and reports — although more dollars are needed. More than 5,000 people have signed petitions.
A formal Environment Assessment has been called for by all levels of government — federally by MP Lisa Raitt, provincially by MPP Parm Gill and locally by Milton council, which unanimously approved a motion.
With continued community support, we can stop the quarry!
Cindy Lunau
'This project poses serious threats': Milton MPP requests environmental assessment for controversial Campbellville quarry
Community meeting to update residents held last week
July 29, 2019 - InsideHalton.com by Bambang Sadewo
George Minakakis, chair of ACTION, Milton MPP Parm Gill, and Mayor Gord Krantz addressed the audience at a community meeting to stop the proposed Campbellville quarry on Wednesday, July 24. - Bambang Sadewo/Torstar
The fight to stop the proposed quarry in Campbellville continues with Milton MPP Parm Gill formally requesting “an immediate” environmental assessment of the site.
The local MPP first made the announcement at a community meeting Wednesday night, July 24, at Hitherfield School in Campbellville, which was attended by about a hundred residents to hear the latest on the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry application.
“This project poses serious threats to the quality of life, health and general well-being of the residents in my riding in Milton,” Gill read the letter addressed to the minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks.
He said community rejection is focused on potential negative impacts to water quality and quantity — and damage to the natural environment, as well as physical hazards such as dust, fly rock, increased traffic, air and noise emissions, diminished property values and inadequate public consultation.
It was in early August of last year that James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) filed an application to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) for a licence to operate a pit and quarry and an asphalt reprocessing plant.
The company plans to extract 990,000 tonnes of aggregate annually by underwater blasting.
Mike Balkwill, a campaign organizer with ACTION Milton, a community organization that has been leading the charge against the proposed quarry for the past year, said that an environmental assessment requires JDCL to meet “a higher level of technical requirements.”
It will also be “less expensive” for the group's legal battle as the financial burden of conducting peer-reviewed studies will be taken by the provincial government.
Additionally, it will “make the process political,” he said rather than seeing it referred solely to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), where “one person who has no accountability to anybody” has the final say. There have been more than 1,000 objection letters from residents.
The meeting also heard from Mayor Gord Krantz.
He said the fact that the concerns of residents are shared by all four levels of government sends a clear message.
And responding to a question from a community member, Krantz said he couldn’t be sure of the quarry's benefits to the municipality.
“If there is a benefit there, I don’t know what it is,” he said, making an illustration that if the town gets $100,000 they will probably have to spend $200,000 on fixing damaged roads caused by the operation.
Meanwhile, as part of the region’s continued efforts to halt the proposed quarry, Coun. Kristina Tesser Derksen said that the town has completed the initial findings of the Joint Agency Review Team, stating the technical comments will be finalized and forwarded to the MNRF within the next few weeks.
Although there’s a lot of political goodwill expressed at the meeting, Balkwill said that it needs further support from citizens to “propel it forward.” Among other things, he encourages them to sign a petition supporting the environmental assessment.
Similarly, Coun. Colin Best urges everyone to keep getting involved.
“If we don’t stop this now, it’s going to be there for the rest of time,” he said.
Community raises $100,000 to fight proposed quarry in Milton
Residents show their support for the fight led by non-profit ACTION
May 14, 2019 - InsideHalton.com by Bambang Sadewo
The meeting at the Mohawk Inn and Conference Centre on Wednesday, May 8, was attended by over 300 residents. - Bambang Sadewo/Torstar
A community organization that is fighting to stop a proposed quarry in Campbellville gets a huge financial boost from residents.
By the end of a meeting that was attended by over 300 residents and held at the Mohawk Inn and Conference Centre last week to hear the latest on the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry, the organizer — Association of Citizens Together In Our Nassagaweya (ACTION) — received about $100,000 in donation pledges to retain experienced aggregate lawyer and consulting experts.
Of note, two attendees agreed to donate $10,000 each to the cause, and many donated $5,000, $2,500, and $1,000 — the latter being the majority where people raised their hands to help fund the legal fight.
“I’m excited,” said George Minakakis, chair of ACTION of the response from residents, adding that he’s pleased to be a part of Campbellville. “This really helps us continue the momentum.”
Earlier in the meeting, Jennifer King, a lawyer with Gowling WLG who has been working with the non-profit group since fall of last year, explained that the application by James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to extract 990,000 tonnes of aggregate annually by underwater blasting is “about halfway through the process.”
As part of the approval process, JDCL recently responded to objection letters from residents. In turn, they have 20 days to respond to JDCL — or in this case, by May 22.
“Once MNRF have all the complete documents from the applicant, they make a recommendation within 30 days to the minister,” she said. “When there are objections like there are here, it will most likely get referred to the LPAT (Local Planning Appeal Tribunal) hearing.”
She said it’s important for residents to meet the deadline if they’d like to be considered as a party at the hearing, which might take place as early as this fall.
In addition to opening up the floor to take questions from residents and hear their concerns, which include the proposed quarry’s potential negative impacts to the environment: air and water quality, endangered species and provincially significant wetlands, as well as the adverse effect to property value and increased road safety risk, the meeting also heard from local politicians.
Milton MP Lisa Raitt said she’ll continue to “amplify the voices of the people in the room” and try to make sure that the application doesn’t go forward because “it just doesn’t make sense for the community.”
Mayor Gord Krantz and Coun. Kristina Tesser Derksen spoke of a motion that council members plan to bring forward on May 27. While they didn’t provide details, the organizer said the Town is ready to contribute $75,000 to help protect the community.
“There's not a colleague of mine who doesn't empathize very deeply with what's going on in this area. Some of them could be impacted as well, family members and friends. So just know that that the support is there, we're behind you and keep fighting the good fight,” Tesser Derksen said.
Calling it the biggest community meeting in Nassagaweya, Coun. Colin Best urged residents to “get vocal,” pointing out an example of Bill 66 that was brought up by the province a few months ago that would have opened up the greenbelt. The legislation was withdrawn following protests by the public and various agencies.
“The same thing could happen here,” he said.
Closing the night, Minakakis thanked all the residents, organization members and those who have shown their support.
“I came into the meeting really worried … wondering whether or not we could raise enough money,” he said. “You blew me away. Absolutely.”
Residents hear the reality of having quarry in their neighbourhood
ACTION hopes to raise funds to fight James Dick Construction’s licence application
Oct 26, 2018 by Julie Slack - InsideHalton.com
Residents in Campbellville heard some frightening scenarios should a quarry licence be granted for the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry.
Association of Citizens Together In Our Nassagaweya (ACTION) presented an update on the proposed James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) quarry on Reid Road last night at the Mohawk Inn and Conference Centre.
Stopping the quarry is the group’s main objective, stated George Minakakis, chair of ACTION.
“Nobody wants this quarry,” he said, referring to the crowd of more than 120 people.
JDCL — a Bolton-based company — has applied to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) for a licence to operate a pit and quarry below the water table on a 72-acre site at 9210 Twiss Rd. It proposes to extract 63 acres, with the maximum annual amount to be removed set at 990,000 tonnes. The land is already zoned quarry.
To fight his application, ACTION, which is a totally-volunteer driven group of residents, is also seeking funds from residents so that they can hire an experienced aggregate lawyer, along with technical experts who understand quarries and their impacts.
Through a PowerPoint presentation, Minakakis said the proposed quarry would be operational six days a week, 12 hours a day for 20 years. After that there’s also plans to operate an asphalt or concrete recycling facility or even a mixed-use concrete plant.
“It could be here for 50 years,” he said. “This is a mining operation for stone, gravel and sand.”
Residents heard the quarry issues are: the potential impact to water, society and the environment.
“It will destroy our property value and quality of life,” he said.
Through a PowerPoint presentation, Minakakis said the proposed quarry would be operational six days a week, 12 hours a day for 20 years. After that there’s also plans to operate an asphalt or concrete recycling facility or even a mixed-use concrete plant.
“It could be here for 50 years,” he said. “This is a mining operation for stone, gravel and sand.”
Residents heard the quarry issues are: the potential impact to water, society and the environment.
“It will destroy our property value and quality of life,” he said.
Slides he presented show property values declining by 15 to 20 per cent for homes within a one-kilometre radius of the quarry. Those three kilometres away could decline 10 per cent, and within a five-kilometre radius the average decline is eight per cent.
In other words, a house worth $750,000 could be devalued by $60,000 to $175,000. He sourced Gravel Watch, The Potential Financial Impacts of Proposed Rockfort Quarry, Feb. 26, 2009, on those figures.
Traffic itself is a frightening scenario, Minakakis said. JDCL predicts 360 gravel trucks coming and going from the plant each day.
“This doesn’t include employee, service vehicles, or the transport of recycling,” he said. A quick one minute and 30 second video of a similar quarry showed some 10 trucks rumbling past, behind a commentator whose words were barely audible.
“Aggregate operations have the potential to negatively impact quality of life due to noise, dust and vibration associated with quarrying activities and transportation of aggregates,” he said.
Residents also heard that their “highly-vulnerable aquifer” could be damaged by the blasting required to extract from the quarry. It could, potentially, limit or eliminate the water from their wells, or contaminate the well water.
Minakakis believes another quarry is not needed in Ontario. There are currently 6,000 pits and quarries across the province. He said the real reason JDCL wants the quarry in Campbellville is that whoever is closest to market gets the business.
So locating in Milton would certainly put JDCL closest to the market of the ever-growing Greater Toronto Area, ensuring he gets the contracts for infrastructure work, Minakakis explained.
“Getting to Campbellville gets you closer to Mississauga and Milton,” he said. “This is good economics for them.”
He also stated that the process for becoming a licensed quarry is outdated and the MNRF needs to change it.
More than 1,000 objection letters were sent to the MNRF by its deadline of Sept. 17. JDCL now has up to two years to respond to those.
In southern Ontario, the MNRF regulates pits and quarries via a licensing and permit system under the Aggregate Resources Act.
Letters came from the Town of Milton, Halton Region, Halton Conservation, ACTION, private businesses and private citizens. Halton MPP Parm Gill has also stated to Minakakis that he will try to intervene with the MNRF, but there are no guarantees.
Once JDCL responds, however, objectors only have 20 days to respond back.
Minakakis fears a response could come on Dec. 24, giving residents little time to come up with a defence, especially over the holiday season.
Minakakis said: “The burden is ours to prove that he does not have the right to have that quarry.
So how do you win? He said you have to have the financial resources.
“We are fighting for our way of life — to protect it,” he said. “Otherwise they will be driving those trucks down our road.
“Financial support is the only insurance plan against this quarry,” he added.
He suggested ACTION needs $75,000 by the end of the year, and ultimately he’d like to raise $1/4 million in the next year.
He also stated that the issue affects all of Milton and Halton not just those close to the quarry.
Residents can contribute by sending an E-transfer to [email protected], cash, cheques payable to ACTION, PO Box 24 Campbellville, Ont., L0P 1B0. They also have a GoFundMe account set up.
On Friday, $4,200 had been raised so far through the GoFundMe account.