‘Incredibly important’: Here are 5 things to know about the proposed Milton quarry public meeting

Toxic pollutants among top concerns

January 14, 2020 - InsideHalton.com    by Bambang Sadewo

The public meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 22, at Milton Sports Centre. - ACTION Milton


The proposed Reid Sideroad quarry in Campbellville and the potential health risks that it poses still looms over Milton. ACTION Milton, an organization that has been spearheading efforts to stop the proposal, invites residents to come to the latest public information meeting.

Here are five things to know about the meeting and the quarry application:

1. The public meeting is slated for Wednesday, Jan 22., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Milton Sports Centre (in the banquet room), 605 Santa Maria Blvd.

2. “This meeting is incredibly important to our urban community. Although the proposed site is rural, urban residents may not fully appreciate the risk this quarry and its related operations pose to the water and air quality for Milton neighbourhoods,” wrote George Minakakis, chair of ACTION Milton, in a release.

3. Residents can ask questions, share concerns and learn more about the quarry operation and asphalt recycling plant that has been proposed by James Dick Construction Ltd. - where the company plans to extract 990,000 tonnes of aggregate per year by underwater blasting.

4. Franco DiGiovanni, an air quality and public safety expert, will make a presentation on the potential adverse effects of the proposed quarry, including possible toxic dust and hazardous particles generated by such operation of aggregate mining, processing and recycling.

5. With full support from the Town and the Region, MPP Parm Gill has formally requested for an Environmental Assessment of the proposed quarry.

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  • Andre Bartczak
    commented 2024-01-18 14:21:43 -0500
    Here in Ontario the gravel industry produces 13 times more gravel than we need for our construction. We do not need yet another quarry to export the gravel. Mr. Ford, it is time to start taking care of our citizens and the environment. Enough is enough! Keep your promises.