Community Update Meeting - October 24th 2018
Thank you to the over 120 concerned residents who attended the community meeting. ACTION is working hard to gather resources and information from third party experts to support us with this process.
Your continued financial support is necessary as we move forward in this process. A big thank you to all who have already sent in a contribution!
As stated in the meeting, we are still seeking out individuals who can volunteer in various roles within ACTION. Please contact us if you feel you could be of help in any of the areas listed in the presentation.
The presentation is now posted for any individuals who were unable to attend the meeting on Wednesday. Unfortunately, the videos have been excluded as the file was too big to upload. Click here for the PowerPoint presentation file.
Thank you again for your continued support. Together we will succeed!
Quarry Update - Great Work So Far
Dear Neighbours,
We wanted to give an update regarding our progress and amazing support from our community regarding the James Dick Construction Ltd. application to operate a quarry at Reid Side Road and Twiss Road.
The impact of such a quarry would have an unprecedented effect on our community. We needed to act fast.
As of September 17th, over 1000 individual letters and emails of objection were delivered to James Dick Construction Ltd. and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. This includes objections and support from:
The Town of Milton who also made a unanimous resolution at their recent council meeting to challenge James Dick Construction Ltd. on the implications of such an undertaking on the Milton community.
The Region of Halton sent a strong objection highlighting a variety of issues and concerns.
Conservation Halton sent in an objection letter regarding concerns as to the impact on our water and landscape.
Woodbine Mohawk Park sent in an objection and strong position that this operation would have a drastic impact on their industry and the local economy.
And, of course, A.C.T.I.O.N., on behalf of our local community sent in a formal objection including input from technical specialists that we have retained to work with us through this process. We have requested James Dick Construction Ltd. provide us with an in depth understanding of the proposed site plan and indicated our key concerns regarding water safety, environmental impacts, haul route safety, impact on community and economy and protection of wildlife.
In addition, many community members contacted MPP, Parm Gillwho is apprised of the situation and promised to look further into this application. He has promised to work with us and other levels of government.
This is by no means over. James Dick Construction Ltd. has up to two years to respond to the individual objections received and at which point, you have a 20 day window to reply. This is key. A.C.T.I.O.N. is currently working on supporting individuals with options on how to reply back to James Dick Construction Ltd. and to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
We have to continue as One Voice and One Community
A.C.T.I.O.N.'s next steps include seeking legal advice along with technical advice to ensure we have the information we need to support our position. This will come at a considerable cost and we will need your financial support to raise funds. Visit GoFundMe ( to make a financial contribution.
We need your continued help and assistance. Please contact us at [email protected] If you would like to volunteer or have suggestions for fundraising opportunities.
We also want to thank all the volunteers who have knocked on doors, stood at store fronts and called their neighbours. It is through these efforts that word and support has spread. What an amazing community we live in!
A Community Update Meeting will be held in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more information on our website (, Facebook (Milton Quarry) or Twitter (@action_milton) accounts.
Board of Directors